
One of our most important core values is safety. Therefore, our pilots must complete some training each year to demonstrate that they still have the capabilities and skills to fly our aircraft models and ensure a safe, effective, and efficient operation. They need to be ready for any emergency that can occur during the flight. For that reason, Evidence-Based Training (EBT) is subject to the most relevant threats and errors that can occur before, during, and after a flight.

Some of the requirements that pilots need to complete during the EBT are:

Pass a medical assessment ensuring they are fit to fly (reduces to every six months when above the age of 60).

Complete a 'Line Check'. This is a bit like a driving test but in the aircraft. An examiner observes you operating the aircraft to ensure you comply with company rules and regulations and do the job to a professional standard.

Every six months, pilots must go into the simulator, where they practice emergency procedures whilst being assessed by an examiner over a couple of days.

Complete technical testing to ensure they maintain a high level of technical proficiency in their aircraft type.

Complete Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training. This is where pilots are taught about how human factors can affect flight safety.

Aviation Security Training

Winter Operations Course

Dangerous Goods Examination

If the pilot fails any element of these, they are removed from flight duties and could ultimately lose their job.

If you are a pilot and need to do the yearly Evidence-Based Training (EBT), Jet View has certified instructors who can check and qualify your capabilities and skills so you can maintain your PPL updated.